Saturday, July 18, 2009

Be careful what you are thinking...soon, it might make you a criminal

Another doosey just got passed by the left in the Senate: they attached hate crimes legislation in a defense authorization bill (voted on at 1 AM, mind you) that will criminilize your speech and associations (all 28 no votes were republicans; 5 republicans voted for it). This legislation violates not only the 1st amendment's guarantee of free speech and assembly, but also the 14th amendment's guarantee to equal protection under the law (as previous 'hate' crime legislation has done)...that U.S. Constitution has become so antiquated, you know.

Essentially, if you commit a crime, then the magazines you subscribe to, blog comments you have written, words you have said, churches or other groups you belong to, etc. can all be scrutinized for 'hateful' content (to be determined later). Such access to hateful thoughts will give you a stiffer sentence than someone who only subscribes to a politically correct thoughts (again, to be determined later). This bill is so eggregious, and so far left of the mainstream, that even the ACLU has come out in opposition to it!

But don't worry, I'm sure the Democrats are just looking out for your best interests...and they will NEVER use it against you for political purposes...nooooo.

Friday, July 10, 2009

Is it 1934?

Look in detail at this photo and ask yourself, "Has anything changed since 1934?". Why must history repeat itself? Answer: those who forget the past are doomed to repeat it.
-Hat tip: Ace of SpadesHQ

Monday, July 6, 2009

Like your health care MA residents?

Here is a funny video describing Obama's health-care plans...using Massachusetts' health care plan as comparison to Georgia (hat tip to Breitbart TV):