What does Venezuela’s president Hugo Chavez do when he wants to obtain (nationalize) a company on the cheap?...He simply tells everyone his plans for a few weeks before-hand. This causes the stock price of the company to plummet and he can grab it at a reduced cost.
This tactic is eerily similar to what we seem to be seeing from our very own government. A series of statements hinting of nationalization of large banks, by US democrats and the Obama administration, has shaken the markets recently and directly led to the decrease in the stock price of Citibank, one of the companies on the administration’s short-list for nationalizations.
Therefore, one of the following must be true: either the Democrats in charge are showing themselves to be completely undeserving of their posts, or we have devolved into a third-world country….I’m banking (no pun intended) on the former.
Come on Bio-man,of course there was a pun intended. I find it very (Interest)ing that you would try to (Cash-in) on the story line. I will (Withdraw) any further comment. Also Jesse James would be in awe of all these birds.