Monday, February 16, 2009

Giving Secrets To The Enemy

What business does an ignorant person such as Senator Feinstein have being the chairperson of the Senate Intelligence committee? She is even completely stupid (in which case she should be immediately removed from this position) or committing treason (in which she should be arrested and prosecuted). From an AP story related to US drones attacking the Taliban inside Pakistan:

The drone attack could further inflame tempers in Pakistan where a controversy has raged over a U.S. senator's remarks that the unmanned aircraft were being operated and flown from an air base inside Pakistan.
"As I understand it, these are flown out of a Pakistani base," Dianne Feinstein chairwoman of the Senate Intelligence Committee, was quoted as saying by the Los Angeles Times on Friday.

I can guarantee you that this information was designated Top Secret and absolutely nothing will happen to this woman.

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