A recent Rasmussen poll has found that just 53 percent of Americans think that capitalism offers a better economic model than socialism. Although it doesn’t take a brain surgeon to guess that the breakdown of those numbers would reveal that more Democrats favored socialism as compared to Republicans, what was revealing was what age group Democrats and Republicans most closely matched.
So what, you ask, can we conclude beyond reasonable doubt? Well, one obvious interpretation is that the minds of many liberals haven’t advanced beyond the crude economic formulations that are bandied about during first year college humanities courses…e.g. poverty: bad must mean welfare: good.
Each US generations gets softer than the next. The newest generation standard of living has been the highest in history. Thanks to cheap goods from China and inexpensive technology, they have anything they want and need. They take it all for granted and don't want to put forth much effort to maintain there standard of living. Something for nothing sounds just grand to them and socialism promises this.