Thursday, April 30, 2009


Today, ABC News outed the two individuals who supposedly came up with the waterboarding interrogation technique. Trying to get us to revile these guys, they are not very convincing:

The new memos also show waterboarding was used "with far greater frequency than initially indicated" to even those in the CIA.
Abu Zubaydah was water boarded at least 83 times and Khalid Sheikh Mohamed at least 183 times.

What they fail to mention is that before the 184th waterboarding session, Mohamed finally told his interrogators about the plot to fly planes into LA buildings. I guess one can argue that the technique is in fact effective and saved countless US lives. Should these two men be considered heroes?

1 comment:

  1. They also fail to mention the meticulous detail that went into the drafting of the legal arguments supporting the methodology behind harsh interrogation techniques. Few would argue that one night of sleep deprivation is torture (well except Amnesty international); Likewise, few would argue that that one month of sleep deprivation is NOT torture. The Bush admin. was, in fact, incredibly judicious in their use of these techniques, and made damn sure, before hand, that they were working within a sound legal framework.
