Sunday, May 3, 2009

"Global Warming" is a doubleplus ungood phrase

Like a page out of George Orwell's book 1984, liberals have concluded that the public isn't buying their phrase "global warming", and are therefore attempting to reframe the debate in Newspeak terms. A NY Times article quotes from an email sent by an environmentalist lobbying group, ecoAmerica (oh, I'm sorry, I forgot to use my newspeak translator: according to the Times, ecoAmerica is a "a nonprofit environmental marketing and messaging firm in Washington", not a lobbying group):

"Instead of grim warnings about global warming, the firm advises, talk about “our deteriorating atmosphere.” Drop discussions of carbon dioxide and bring up “moving away from the dirty fuels of the past.” Don’t confuse people with cap and trade; use terms like “cap and cash back” or “pollution reduction refund.”"

and this: 
"remember to speak in TALKING POINTS aspirational language about shared American ideals, like freedom, prosperity, independence and self-sufficiency while avoiding jargon and details about policy, science, economics or technology,” said the e-mail account of the group’s study."

I suppose that since the envirowackos are losing the war of words (or what we sometimes call: oh, I don't know....debate!), since people aren't buying A.) their scientific arguments that global warming is caused by man, and not just natural global climate variation, B.) their insistence that the 'crisis' that they claim exists poses imminent danger to society, or C.) that their proposed solutions are either practical or economically viable, they should try a new tack. 

Allow me to predict that its just a matter of time before our teleprompter-in-chief himself starts using these Newspeak terms, and that denial of blackwhite will be labeled crimethink.

1 comment:

  1. They treat the American public like they are dumb and it seems to work most of the time. Let's face it, the average IQ is 100 which means that half the people in the country have an IQ lower than that. Obama recently recoined the term 'Global War on Terror' to 'Overseas Contingency Operations'. No one seemed to notice that either.
