Tuesday, May 19, 2009


The good guys finally won one, not a cease fire not a U.S. or U.N. intervention but a good old fashioned military trouncing of the Tamil Tigers terrorist organization by the legitimate Sri Lhanka government, and the dispatching of all their murdering leaders.
Wouldn't you think that all the people in the free world (except for the car bombers and their ilk ) would be rejoicing,along with the citizens of that war weary country,( in Colombo, thousands were celebrating in the streets ) at this good news ?
Guess again. In an editorial , the Boston Globe seems to be pouting.
They've published a list of "must do now"directives to the government of President Mahinda Rajapaska, the clear winner of this 25 year old dogfight, and insinuated he wasn't coming clean about civilian casualties, that "impartial" witnesses on the scene reported. (in the accompanying A.P. news article the complaint seemed to be that no one but the military was allowed in the war zone)
Among'st other whinings, they say the E.U. must follow up on its call for investigations of war crimes against civilians.
If the maggots won, would they be demanding the same?
They then go on to admonish that government to treat all their citizens in a fair way.
Once again, would this same warning go to the Tamil Tigers had they won? I think not.
Oh well,I guess if my team lost, I'd be bitter to.

1 comment:

  1. You're right O'Rook.

    "President Barack Obama and the United Nations Security Council called on Sri Lanka’s government to stop the shelling of Tamil civilians as the army attacks the last Tamil Tiger rebels holding out in the north."

    This is also pretty much how they act toward Israel whenever it gets the upper-hand on its terrorist neighbors
