Thursday, May 14, 2009


Has baseball gotten real boring in the last year or so, or is it just me?
Where have all the big guns gone? What has become of all those walk-off game winning homers?
But wait, it seems that our erstwhile hero, Manny you know, being Manny hadn't lost his touch, until of course he was caught trying to get pregnant.
All of a sudden our Big Poppy can't get it even near the fence anymore, what has happened, what seems to be missing? What ever it is, a lot of the excitement is gone from the game, because some stiff-collars decided to take the juice away from the "boys of summer.

Bring back the steroids or adjust the outfield walls. Just joking, -----honest injune!!!

1 comment:

  1. Remember back when McGwire and Sosa were going for the home-run record? The question of the day was whether it was the BATS OR BALLS that were juiced!!
