Monday, March 30, 2009

Bush twins can't drink, but Biden's daughter can DO BLOW?!

If you have been getting your news from the mainstream media, you might have missed a news story that broke on Saturday. Apparently, it is not newsworthy for CNN, the New York Times, or any other major newspaper to mention the little detail that VP Biden's DAUGHTER has been caught on video tape snorting several lines of COCAINE!!!

By contrast, in 2001 (after 9-11 mind you), CNN, USA Today, BBC, ABC, et al., all found it too be of the greatest national interest to report that the Bush twins had....brace yourselves...been cited for alcohol possession at the age of 19!!!!!!...send them to the guillotine! But Biden's daughter doing blow.....<>

Saturday, March 28, 2009

Obama's Brown Shirts Hired To Help Recruit Census Takers

A few weeks ago, the story that the White House took control of the US Census Bureau from the US Commerce Department was swept under the rug. Now we find out that ACORN has been contracted to help hire the 1.4 million enumerators who will be needed to conduct the 2010 US census.

Nothing needs to said about the importance of the US Census in reforming voting districts. Nothing needs to said about the numerous ACORN voter fraud stories.

Where is the media on this one? Where is the transparency that Obama promised?

Click to see a report from FoxNews.

Another must-see video

This video sums up the frustration, as seen by those from the right-of-center. I can't say I agree with the part about two years of obligatory service...but other than that he is pretty much spot-on. Hat tip: Pajamas Media

Where is our Daniel Hannan?

In case you haven't seen it, here is a great video of a British MEP, Daniel Hannan, taking Prime Minister Gordon Brown to task. What the republicans need to take back congress in 2010, is an American version of Hannan who can articulate all of the policy missteps of the Teleprompter-in-chief.

Update: Well, upon second thought....we do have 
Thaddeus McCotter (R., MI). For whatever reason, 
however, it is rarely men like these that run for 
president; so we are left with the sorry lot we get.

Thursday, March 26, 2009

Healthcare Express

I keep hearing from Obama that he intends to extend healthcare coverage to the supposed 46 million (I can’t truthfully say Americans) in the US who do not have it, AND at the same time, reduce healthcare costs. What I have not heard, not even once, is how he plans to do it. Today, in his 'virtual’ town hall meeting, he said he is open to ‘all serious ideas’.

Obama and the dem leadership obviously have no clue on what to do and plan on encountering stiff resistance from even democrats. To combat this anticipated resistence, Pelosi and Reid intend on employing a little used ‘reconciliation’ procedure that allows Congress to ‘fast track’ legislature that only requires 51 votes, as opposed to the normal 60 majority vote.

Prepare to get railroaded.

Mien Kamph

When they came for the tradesmen I did not protest, I looked away.
When they came for the Catholics I did not protest,I looked away.
When they came for me there was no one left to protest,they were all taken away.

This was a quote about pre "Nazi" Germany, by a Jewish man,after the war.

Could this possibly be a harbinger for the American working class, middle class?

Monday, March 23, 2009


"There's got to be a little gallows laughter to get you through the day. "
Here goes the late night talk shows "Comedian In Chief " with his cornball excuses for his inept attempts at humor, about some of what most of us see as very serious matters.
On CBS News' "60 Minutes", interviewer Steve Croft had to ask "The Anointed One",what it was he found to be funny about his bailout packages, that gave him cause to laugh after explaining their need.
Does this idiot think this mess were in is a joke?
Maybe the "moonbats" that got him elected think it is, but the average ,intelligent person wants this ongoing charade to stop,and for him get into at least trying to solve this mess and stay off the "boob tube".

Sunday, March 22, 2009

The New Reign Of Terror

During the French Revolution, a radical mob called the Jacobins scoured the country side, terrorizing (and in some instances executing) aristocrats. This period in French history is known as the Reign of Terror. Today, Obama seems to have released his own form of radicals, known as ACORN, to do his bidding. Check out what happened in Connecticut yesterday. A bus tour, organized by the ACORN community activist front group Working Families Party, attempted to visit the homes of several AIG executives in order to start protest demonstrations.

From an article in the Danbury News-Times, “it was the surrounding neighborhood that widened Asaas Jackson’s eyes. “This is nowhere even close to what it looks like where I live in north Hartford” said Jackson seeing a half-dozen huge homes, some housing their own swimming pools, gazebos and backyard patios”.

Although the overall event was ineffective (the media outnumbered the protesters 3 to 1 and they managed to only harass two home owners), it is a frightening signal of where things are heading. And as seen by the huge media presence, the media is actually encouraging these radicals to escalate this type of 'haves' versus 'have nots' activity. Think American Idol auditions, where thousands of complete losers show up and stand in line for hours for the almost non-existent chance of getting their face on TV. The same thing could happen in this situation with a mob mentality using more creative and dangerous tactics to get themselves on the MSNBC news.

Saturday, March 21, 2009

Reminiscent of the McCarthy Hearing Days

“New York Attorney General (Cuomo) has announced that he will issue subpoenas immediately for the release of the names and job descriptions of those receiving bonuses..”

“State (CT) officials Friday subpoenaed 14 AIG executives… Blumenthal said the state has been unable to compel AIG to provide names and addresses, so his office used media reports to determine whom to subpoena…. We also want to find out from the people who received these under which circumstances they're receiving them. Performance? Merit? Part of their salary? Was this part of their contracts?"

Just replace the words ‘receiving bonuses’ with words ‘suspected communists” and these quotes sound like the all to familiar witch hunt style activities in the 1950s which were later vilified in history.

As appalled as people may be that people received such large amounts of compensation, there is absolutely no evidence that any wrongdoing or illegal activity actually took place. Congress in fact explicitly approved bonuses in bail out related legislature. Yet the leaders of our country, seeking to further their political agendas and prestige, are now on the very same grandiose witch hunts that Joseph McCarthy initiated back in the early 1950s.

Using their legislative powers to punish these individuals, by essentially taking back all of the bonus money received, is apparently not enough. They now want to publicly scorn and humiliate these individuals in an attempt to destroy their reputations. Don’t be surprised if Congress's next legislative move is to force these bonus taking individuals to wear a scarlet letter (maybe R for Rich – another term that was recently redefined by our great leaders).

This is a slippery slope that we are taking on what is becoming an all out assault on the very thing that made this county great and prosperous (and the envy of the rest of the world) – capitalism.

WHITE (WASH.D.C.)tellitlikeitaint

Dateline Wash.A.P.

"He apologized in a way that was very moving". This from Special Olympics Director, Tim Shriver, ( Kennedy connected) chairman-apologist- of the latest Barack Obama, blunderspeak.

"This guy's a complete ##shole,he should be censured,he should be impeached, he is so racist that he has to go, he had the idiocy to knock our mentally disadvantaged fellow citizens (athletes),on national T.V.(Jay Leno Show).

Guess which statement would have applied to our former president George Bush?

If your a "Demorat", you probably wouldn't have a clue.

Thursday, March 19, 2009


Edmund Svuntle, of Sandusky Ohio, is reported to have given his lifelong companion,his pet dog Meskie, a seven year old pooch of no particular breed, daily doses of Warfaran mixed in his food regiman, starting approximatly six months ago.

Meskie lived to be almost eight years old.

Edmund was sent away.

Wednesday, March 18, 2009

Breaking News: Dodd admits he was responsible for the AIG loophole

Not that it was a conflict of interest or anything (he only got $240K in campaign donations from AIG), but Christopher Dodd finally admits that he added the 'loophole' in to the original AIG bailout bill that would allow AIG executives to receive their bonuses.

Barneys Frank: Start cleaning up your own house before you get all indignant and almighty.

Get rid of these corrupt bums! And I'm not talking about AIG.

Watch: I'm responsible for bonus loophole, Dodd says


Prepare for a rant... Attention hypocritical senators and congressmen: GIVE BACK THE $4 MILLION DOLLARS YOU GOT FROM AIG NOW! Obama, give back the $100K that AIG gave you last year. Dodd, give back the $240K that you received from AIG.

Barneys Frank: I want a list of all politicians who received donations from AIG or I will ask for a subpoena. I won't guarantee that it will be kept confidential.

These guys are absolutely unbelievable.

I can't wait for that British-style healthcare system

Reports claim that Obama would like to model our healthcare system in the British mold. I guess then we can have 'third world' like conditions in our hospitals too.

Sunday, March 15, 2009

We Are Just Like You

Iran to United States: You can send satellites into space, so can we. You have nuclear capability, so do we. We are also a very powerful nation that should be shown respect. That is what the president of Iran wants us to think and we are blamed for letting them become a fellow super power..

According to mad man Ahmadinejad , "Had you not been bad-tempered and blocked the way, the Iranian nation would not have been present in space, and would not have become a nuclear power."

Full Story

Saturday, March 14, 2009

What goes arround, comes arround

President Obama seems to be headed into a soup of his own making. It involves Turkey, a tried and true friend of ours. Turkey is an important player in and around the mid-east, particularey in regards to Iraq, and Afghanistan, and we cannot afford to alienate them.
Problem----Barack Obama's political rhetoric may come back to haunt us, because on his agenda, on his first trip overseas is ,Turkey, and Armenia, and maybe double diplomatic trouble.
Back in January of 2008,Obama, obviously for political points, took a hard stand on the side of Armenia. He's sure to get pressed by the Turks to restate his position on this statement.
"The Armenian genocide is not an allegation,a personal opinion,or a point of view, but rather a widely documented fact supported by an overwhelming body of historical evidence. America deserves a leader who speaks truthfully about the Armenian genocide and responds forcefully to all genocides. I intend to be that president."
He's sure to be in the spotlight on this, no rhetoric on this one, very little wiggle room, the spin is out!
This may well be a percursor of his diplomatic savvy.

Friday, March 13, 2009

Hurricane activity at a 30 year low...Must be that pesky global warming again

I'm sorry, did I say 'global warming'? I meant 'climate change', since this is certainly a change...downward. It was not that long ago when the GOREacle and many others on the environmental left were arguing that increased hurricane strength and frequency were due to [global waming (redacted)] 'climate change'. I can't wait for all of these reporters to come out with corrections...[crickets chirping]...I'm still waiting...

Wednesday, March 11, 2009

MA Taxpayers Get What They Deserve

From a new story just out: "More than one out of every five dollars of the $126 million Massachusetts is receiving in earmarks from a $410 billion federal spending package is going to help preserve the legacy of the Kennedys.
The bill includes $5.8 million for the planning and design of a building to house a new Edward M. Kennedy Institute for the Senate. The funding may also help support an endowment for the institute.
The bill also includes $22 million to expand facilities at the John F. Kennedy Presidential Library & Museum and $5 million more for a new gateway to the Boston Harbor Islands on the Rose Kennedy Greenway, a park system in downtown Boston named after Kennedy's mother and built on land opened up by the Big Dig highway project."

Click Here For Full Story

Tuesday, March 10, 2009

Muslim Justice Served Again

In another story taken right out of 7th century Persia, an elderly 75 year old Saudi widow was sentenced to 40 lashes and 4 months in prison. Her crime: Mingling. She apparently accepted 5 loaves of bread from her nephew and his male friend. This is against the law in Saudi Arabia.

If they didn't supply us with so much oil...

Click here for full story

Inspiring Words From Our Second In Command

Here are some inspiring words from our Vice President regarding Afghanistan to help motivate the troops: "We are not now winning the war, but the war is far from lost."
I was waiting for him to say one of his famous gaffe excuses like "Oh jeeze, I forgot we already won the election and didn't need to say that." But he didn't. Now I know why he has the nick name Biden the Clown.

Monday, March 9, 2009

If it looks like a duck and quacks like a duck…

President Donald Duck was so concerned that he had appeared to dismiss a question from New York Times reporters about whether he was a Duck that he called the newspaper from the Oval Office to clarify his policies.

"It was hard for me to believe that you were entirely serious about that Duck question," he told reporters, who had interviewed the president aboard Air Force One on Friday.

Opening the unusual presidential call to reporters by saying that there was "just one thing I was thinking about as I was getting on the copter," he said it wasn't he who started the federal government's intervention into the nation's waterways.

"I did think it might be useful to point out that it wasn’t under me that we started buying a bunch of shares of river banks. It wasn’t on my watch. And it wasn’t on my watch that we passed a massive new entitlement -– the migratory assistance plan -- without a source of funding. And so I think it’s important just to note when you start hearing folks throw these words around that we’ve actually been operating in a way that has been entirely consistent with free-species principles and that some of the same folks who are throwing the word 'Duck' around can’t say the same."

The New York Times asked, "So whose watch are we talking about here?" but President Duck wouldn't name names.

"Well, I just think it’s clear by the time we got here, there already had been an enormous infusion of taxpayer money into the watershed system. And the thing I constantly try to emphasize to people if that coming in, the ponds were doing fine, nobody would be happier than me to stay out of them. I have more than enough to do without having to worry the watershed system and wading around ponds. The fact that we’ve had to take these extraordinary measures and intervene is not an indication of my biological makeup, but an indication of the degree to which lax regulation and extravagant risk taking has precipitated a crisis."

He concluded the brief call by saying, "I think that covers it."

The phone call came after the president was asked aboard his plane: "Are you a Duck as some people have suggested?"

He was clear in his first answer: "You know, let’s take a look at the migratory bird relief plan – the answer would be no."

"Is there anything wrong with saying, 'Yes'?" a Times reporter pressed.

"Let’s just take a look at what we’ve done," Obama said, ticking off efforts his administration has made to stabilize the watersheds. But he acknowledged that, as he told Joe the Plumber, he plans to try to spread the minnows and aquatic plants around.

"If you look on the revenue side what we’re proposing, what we’re looking at is essentially to go back to the tax rates that existed during the 1990s when, as I recall, rich people were doing very well. In fact everybody was doing very well. . . . We said that we’d give a tax cut to 95 percent of working Americans. That’s exactly what we have done."

If it looks like a duck and quacks like a duck…it’s a duck. In a related news item, Obama calls the New York Times to let them know he’s not a socialist.

300K Illegals To Get Stimulus Jobs

According to a USA Today article, it is estimated that about 15% of the jobs from the stimulus package will go to illegal immigrants. This is largely because there were no restrictions put in place, in the stimulus package, on hiring practices of the the businesses that will win the contracts to rebuild America. As all businesses that want to maximize profit, it will be in their best interest to hire labor at the cheapest costs. When it comes to construction jobs, there will be a lot of illegals standing in line for these opportunities and it will be too enticing for the owners not to take advantage of the situation.

Full story:


Hasn't anyone noticed recently,the influx of whacko countries that have gotten into using the Nazi's symbol of intimidation, the "goose step". Check 'em out, North Korea, Iran, Saddams Iraq, Cuba, our new found friends Communist China, amongst several others.
Shouldn't we expect the mainstream media, who are quick to criticize us, and our allies, for our promoting what could be a presentation of normal military formations, as "War Mongering", Intimidating, etc. ,to be at least fair in their presentations of their news?
Answer ----No!

Sunday, March 8, 2009

Close, But No Cigar

In yet another sign of Obama's socialistic ideology, he will be significantly removing restrictions on relations with Cuba in the coming weeks. Banned travel will now be allowed and unlimited money can be sent out of the US economy to Cuban citizens (just what we need more of). But alas, no talk of allowing Cuban cigar imports into the US.

Full story:

Tim Geithner, Superstar

The new secretary of the treasury, Tim Geithner, was anointed our knight-in-shining-armor by an adoring press. Surely the ‘genius’ (have you noticed the trend that all of Obama administration’s appointees are dubbed ‘smart’), who as assistant secretary for international affairs of the IMF, led the Asian markets out of their crises in the ‘90s, would come to the rescue again, this time for US markets. However, it appears that the markets themselves have not been so admiring of either his credentials or his financial rescue plans (or lack thereof) for the US; the stock market has continued its decline, and bank stocks in particular have plummeted since his appointment.   

Perhaps the financial ‘boots on the ground’ know something about Geithner that lay-people do not? Perhaps they understand that the economic solutions that Geithner imposed on the Asian markets were not exactly as brilliant as they have been trumpeted to have been? According to the former Prime Minister of Australia (who, as an economist, was also Treasurer for eight years), the economic solutions applied by Geithner to Indonesia were totally wrong, due to a flawed diagnosis of the problem (read the article if you would like the details); suffice it to say, that the ‘solution’ he imposed caused a precipitous drop in that country’s GDP--and political turmoil that lasts till this day.

The extent to Geither’s IMF solutions were wrong is seen in the fact that NO Asian countries have asked for help from the IMF SINCE! In addition, it is thought that China, not wanting to ever have to deal with an IMF imposed ‘solution’ itself, began investing in US debt as financial backup--this in turn allowed for credit market conditions (cheap credit) that allowed for the over-borrowing/overspending that precipitated the credit crisis that is rocking the global economy today!

We don’t know much of Geither’s plans, but what has the Obama administration done so far? Well, implausibly, they have demanded of China that they buy YET MORE of our debt! Talk about adding fuel to the fire. We can only hope that Geithner asks for outside help when determining what other ‘solutions’ to apply to our economic ills.

Saturday, March 7, 2009

Let's meet with more terrorists

First it was Iran. Then it was Syria. Now apparently our new administration plans on meeting with the Taliban. Yes, those sadistic monsters who publicly executed people in soccer stadiums for the most minor crimes (western standards); and safe harbored Al-Queda and their international training camps that led to 9-11. What can possibly be next? Thank God Hitler is no more.

Read more:

Friday, March 6, 2009

Welcome to Amateur Hour, featuring the star of the show, the Obama Administration

Our new Secretary of State, Hillary Clinton, presented her Russian counterpart with a symbolic “reset” button as a gesture of the US commitment to restoring US-Russia ties (GW’s fault of course; apparently, their illegal invasion of Georgia was so long ago that it is just water under the bridge). Unfortunately, for the Obama Administration, however, they wrote the wrong Russian word on the gift, so that it actually read “overcharged” not “reset”.

I mean, come-on, Russian might be a foreign language, but it is not an EXTRA-TERRESTRIAL language! You’re telling me they can’t find ONE person in the US to double-check their spelling?!

FYI Obama, when you want a pizza delivered to the oval office; push the button that reads “intercom” not “nuclear annihilation”, thanks.

Barney Frank Supporters Should Be Prosecuted

According to Barney Frank, it was those who were taking risk who caused our current financial crisis…and they should be prosecuted.

“What are your plans to prosecute those people whose irresponsible and, in some cases, criminal actions helped bring about this crisis?” said Frank, a Massachusetts Democrat…”We have got to empower some entities that don’t now have it to restrain risk-taking that is irresponsible,” Frank said, adding that the Federal Reserve is in the “best capacity” to serve this role.

Ace of Spades reminds us that Barney has conveniently forgotten his very own words regarding forcing banks to lend to those who cannot afford loans:

House Financial Services Committee hearing, Sept. 25, 2003:

Rep. Frank: I do think I do not want the same kind of focus on safety and soundness that we have in OCC [Office of the Comptroller of the Currency] and OTS [Office of Thrift Supervision]. I want to roll the dice a little bit more in this situation towards subsidized housing. . . .”

It seems that the real gamble was laid down by the very voters of Massachusetts who keep voting for this A$$hat, and by Barney Frank’s new criteria of “risk-taking” as a crime, should be prosecuted.

US Employment Rate Falls Below 92 Percent

New data came out today that indicates 92 out of 100 people who want a job in the US have one. This is down from an all time high of 96 out of 100 people.

JabAl The Gore

Do these two pictures looks similar?


Get ready,here they come, the Hollywoodies. They've been swarming in limbo for so many years, ravished since the Clinton years,but now they've been set loose, so watch your butt. After being reminded today of the workings of a totally self serving, anti American toady of the liberal left, I got to thinking of a lot of articles recently about the" Beautiful "people,and their recent descent on our nation's Capitol. Actually its more like an infestation. The halls of Congress,the White House the press conferances, there seems to be no place in D.C. safe from them. Of course the doors of all these recently liberalised institutions, off limits at most times to the average citizen, are swung wide open to the entertainment elite. Such mavens of government! Is it no wonder they are sought after by our leaders? It should be a big clue as to whats ahead.

Inviting The Saps In For A Hosing

If you cross Fidel Castro with Adolph Hitler who do you get? I'll give you two guesses,if you are real slow. " Every voice has to be heard,every idea must be considered......The status quo is the one option that is not on the table". "Those who seek to block any reform at all,any reform "AT ANY PRICE" (my emphasis) will not prevail this time around". In a nutshell, he will suffer your opinions, but they will have to be in line with his to be considered. These are quotes are from Fidel....I mean Barak Obama at an all inclusive meeting, on America's "BROKEN" health care system. To say something is broken is to infer that at one time it was whole, or in good shape. Now if you had a fairly new car, but it was in need of some work ("broken" to some degree ) maybe in need of a brake job, a tune up, or both, woudn't you just have it repaired, instead of junking it, and going through the expence and hassle of buying a brand new model. Probably, if you had to pay for it yourself. Then again, if you could talk some suckers into making the payments ...............? answer to the quiz: A socialist state run by a facist administrator.

Thursday, March 5, 2009

Big Brother Legislation On The Way

RE. The Rush Limbaugh Inquisition: Came across an interesting letter to the editor in the Naples News, by a Joe Kiernan. Check it out. "At the height of the Cold War, Radio Free Europe sustained the people of the captive nations of Eastern Europe under the yoke of the Soviets, blunting Soviet propaganda and bringing hope to those suffering Soviet imperialism. The Soviets did all they could to blunt and prevent Radio Free Europe from telling the truth. Its not much of a leap when we think of talk radio as Radio Free America. The left wants to stifle it regardless of the euphemisms they use. If it were not for Talk Radio America we would not have access to the truth. The left does not want the people to hear the truth or even contrary opinions. The lefties in congress do what all statists want to do---stifle free speach. Thats the way left is. they cannot help themselves."

Wednesday, March 4, 2009

A Message From One Of Our Founding Fathers

This was sent to me from a rare conservative student at Tulane University. It is a quote from Thomas Jefferson and sounds as if it could have been written a couple of weeks ago. It is also Obama's mantra.

“Government big enough to supply everything you need is big enough to take everything you have ... The course of history shows that as a government grows, liberty decreases.”

Tax Bogglers Unlimited

In answer to the Instigator, I'd like to make the point clear, it is not so much the tax errors of these individuals as the fact that there were and evidently still so many of them. This President seems to have an unlimited supply of economic incompetents available. Of the recent past,I can't recall any nominees Democrat or Republican, that had to adjust their taxes in order to get the job. In those good old days, a conservative nominee would usually just get plain ,get "Borked".

Tuesday, March 3, 2009

Sick and tired of the 'Last Eight Years'?

Me too. Sick and tired of listening to it as an excuse for everything not going right for Obama. Here are quotes from a yahoo search on recent quotes. Enough already!

  1. "This budget targets tax relief to families that have lost ground the past eight years," Geithner said.
  2. But President Bush and the Republicans have been in power for most of the past eight years and have spent more than $500 billion on the Iraq War. And you paid for it.
  3. What was striking about the pictures was how much the treatment --being hustled along and kept from seeing or hearing what was going on around you --resembled the way the American people were treated for the past eight years
  4. As the end of the Bush presidency draws near, we have heard numerous accounts on the news about the troubles that have happened over the last eight years.
  5. Obama: America, we are better than these last eight years. We are a better country than this.
  6. “This is simple basic stuff,” Biden said. “What’s fair? What’s been going on the last eight years is simply not fair.”
  7. Obama agin: "I won't return to the failed theories of the last eight years"


This problem must by now becoming very taxing for the Obama administration.

"An Obama spokesman declared the issues "minor" and said the administration is confident that the nomination is on track for a scheduled hearing Monday with the Finance Committee."

--Well, $10,000 is "minor" compared to Daschle's tax problem, anyway....I guess its just a matter of perspecitive.

Two birds with one stone, Obama-style

What a dilemma for a young president; how to weaken U.S. aliances in Eastern Europe, while simutaneously strengthening the positions of our arch-nemeses, Iran and Russia? I've got it; dismantle plans for a missle shield (as well as revampment of Poland's military) in Eastern Europe, and give credit for this action to "help" from Russia...brilliant! This is reminicent of a young, ill-prepared Kennedy facing off against Kruschev...which, according to Russian documents, resulted in the Cuban Missile Crisis, but never mind that little detail.

This guy is like a distillation of all of the bad policy ideas of our previous liberal presidents; he has the 'great society' ambitions of LBJ and the foreign policy credentials of Kennedy and Carter rolled into one. What's next, price controls?...don't joke.

Monday, March 2, 2009

Problem solving ala Obama

Just doing some musings of the long past. I went back to the early 50's, looking for an analogy to our current national debate "Universal Health Care", and a way to resolve it. What came to mind right away was an Italian fellow in the neighborhood name of Vinny. Now I got the following information from an anonymous source, that was not authorized to disclose it. It seems this owner of several bars and cafes, a "connected" fellow, had a dilemma , to wit, an idiot of a son. Knowing he would be a problem in the family business, Vinny decided to set birdbrain up with a Dry Cleaning shop. Problem, there already was a well run,prosperous customer satisfying store in the neighborhood. Vinny decided to try his scheme anyways,by berating the other shop and boasting how his sons would be better. The neighbors did not bite. Another dilemma. The "Answer", sabotage the other store, buy it, raise the prices cut the service and "Presto", your the only game in town. So what if the people got slipshod service and the prices eventually went up,Vinny finally got his way and in the process didn't need to worry about his booze business. Hello, Obama???

Sunday, March 1, 2009

Times opposing viewpointsaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaa

The New York Times; On May 21,1975, it was reported in the Times that "a major cooling of the climate was widely considered inevitable". More so ,"the northern hemisphere's climate has been getting cooler since about 1950". This, if you recall was an urgent wake-up to the alarmists of that era act now, before it became too late. That having fizzled out, the Times now is going down another route a completely opposite road a road named "The sky is falling II", namely Global Warming. I guess its a great way to sell newspapers.