Saturday, February 28, 2009

You Win Some, You Lose Some

Well, the Patriots lost Cassell and Vrabel today (ironically to the team that injured Brady). They are taking a big gamble that Brady will be 100 percent in a few months. But, at least the Red Sox no longer have to deal with Manny Ramirez. He is holding out for the Dodgers right now. Apparently, $25M is not good enough for him. Thank goodness he is someone else's problem this year.

New Political Correctness Terms: Let's Predict What They May Be

In the new era of Obama and left-wing dominance in American politics, here are a few predictions of topics that will be considered politically incorrect:
  • Driving too many miles
  • Using too much household electricity
  • Eating meat, particularly beef
  • Drinking bottled water
  • Watering lawns or washing cars
  • Heating your home above 65 degrees
  • Setting airconditioner below 78 degrees
  • Listening to conservative radio
  • Using too much toilet paper
  • Joining the military
  • making too much money
Can you think of anything else?

Friday, February 27, 2009

Toilet Paper Abuse: I'm with Greenpeace on this one

"People just don't understand that softness equals ecological destruction." A new story out today explains that Americans have a particular fancy for very comfy TP and this is causing ecological problems greater than gas guzzling cars.

I remember my days in the Marines when I opned an MRE and found a packet of TP the size of strip of chewing gum. Somehow I made due. Today, people in this country (particularly those of the female gender) seem to use up an entire roll in a single sitting. This is becoming a major problem and is now considered one of the leading causes of global warming and the decline of the economy.

Start thinking green America (or brown in this case). Here is an excellent alternative to that wasteful TP: Reusable family toilet wipes. Click here to see instructions on how to use.

Full story:

Thursday, February 26, 2009

Watch the price of oil climb

Today, Secretary of the Interior, Ken Salazar, announced that the Obama administration is reversing yet another Bush administration decision; this one granted leases for the exploration of oil-shale in some western states. A Washington DC think-tank, The Institute for Energy Research, believes there is more energy locked in western shale than all of the reserves in the Middle East.

Oil prices, like any commodity, are priced based on future value. Regardless of the political leanings of a given economist, to a man they understand that price is directly proportional to supply. We all remember the rise in oil prices that began in late 2007 and did not stop until the summer of 2008; But, you ask, what happened in the summer of 2008 that caused the precipitous drop of oil from almost $150 per barrel to the current level of under $35 per barrel?

On July 22nd of 2008, President Bush announced the beginning of the lease granting process I mention above. Immediately oil prices dropped and haven’t stopped. Coincidence?...I think not; but we shall see in the coming weeks how much damage this decision by the Obama administration will cause.

Wednesday, February 25, 2009

Elderly Citizens: Better Not Get Readmitted To Hospital

Under Obama's new $650B healthcare reform plan, hospitals (most of which are already understaffed and under water) will be penalized if an elderly patient has to be readmitted within the first 30 days of original hospitalization.

I'm sure there will be huge incentives to ensure that a patient is not allowed back into the hospital for the following two reasons:
1) The hospitals readmission stats will go up and cause overall govt reimbursement to go down.
2) They won't get paid for readmitting patient.

How is this going to HELP patients receieve proper healthcare? Come on now.

From Washington Post:
"The budget figures also represent significant shifts in how the United States will pay for medical care in the future.
For example, experts have identified hospital readmissions -- especially for elderly patients -- as a sign of inadequate care and unnecessary expense. About 18 percent of Medicare patients are readmitted to the hospital within 30 days of their original visit. The new approach would establish flat fees for the first hospitalization and 30-day follow-up. Hospitals with high readmission rates would be paid less."

Tuesday, February 24, 2009

Getting banks for cheap-money

What does Venezuela’s president Hugo Chavez do when he wants to obtain (nationalize) a company on the cheap?...He simply tells everyone his plans for a few weeks before-hand. This causes the stock price of the company to plummet and he can grab it at a reduced cost.

This tactic is eerily similar to what we seem to be seeing from our very own government. A series of statements hinting of nationalization of large banks, by US democrats and the Obama administration, has shaken the markets recently and directly led to the decrease in the stock price of Citibank, one of the companies on the administration’s short-list for nationalizations.

Therefore, one of the following must be true: either the Democrats in charge are showing themselves to be completely undeserving of their posts, or we have devolved into a third-world country….I’m banking (no pun intended) on the former.

Saturday, February 21, 2009

New Economic Theory: Has the US Economy Maxed Out Its Demand For New Goods?

While doing ‘spring cleaning’ over the past few days, I noticed the material goods that we have accumulated over the past several years (a lot of which we don’t need and is just taking up space). It got me thinking. Has the US economy just simply maxed out its demand for new goods? If you think about it, most people who can positively contribute to the economy pretty much have everything they need and then some.

Compare the wealth, in quantity of material goods, of today’s typical US family with one from the 1970’s. Most people who have a driving license have their own car. Most people have their own PC or laptop. There are multiple TVs in a home. Everyone has their own personal cell phone. Everyone has a digital camera. Everyone has an Ipod or some other mobile music/video device. Most families, who desire to, have their own home. Many have more than one home. People have more clothing and shoes than they know what to do with. The list can go on, just walk around your home for a few minutes.

Several elements have contributed to this phenomenon. These elements are:
-Increased quality of certain goods
-Flood of inexpensive goods from foreign countries
-Easy access to credit
-Rapid increase in technology

First, due to increased competition, the quality of expensive goods has gone up significantly over the past few decades. This has reduced the need for frequent replacements. I have two cars that are 10 years old, and knock on wood, drive just fine and require minimal maintenance. How long would your 1970’s car last before requiring a major repair or replacement? TVs and other electronic devices work forever. My house was recently painted with paint that last 15 years. The roof was redone with shingles that last 25 years. The main reason people get replacement items these days is not that need them, but because they want the bigger and cooler version. Even when they do need to replace something, the replacement will last significantly longer.

Thanks to China and other specific foreign countries, the US market has been completely flooded with inexpensive goods over the past two decades. Anything you need can be obtained for a fraction of the price they could have decades ago. These items are so readily available that people just seem to accumulate more even though they already have perfectly functioning equivalents.

Credit (mainly in the form of credit cards and mortgages) has been so easy to obtain. And at such relatively low interest rates, it has been almost like an addictive drug. People just keep buying more stuff even though they don’t have the actual money on hand (and don’t really need it). The country is more leveraged today than in any time in history. There is evidence that the borrowing trend has gotten to a point that it can no longer be sustained.

The last component behind all of this is technology. Over the past couple of decades due to technological advances, we have been able to do more things faster and cheaper (and with less people) than ever before. And as technology continues to improve, this pace in efficiency is increasing more rapidly and dramatically.

You may ask what all of this has to do with today’s economy. Well, it all appears to have started with the real estate market. Most people, who need a house, now have one. This caused the real estate bubble to burst and ignite the financial crisis we now face. The government has installed fear in us. Collectively, we do not want to get into any further debt. And because we possess most things we need and these items last much longer, we have the luxury to hold off on buying new stuff in these uncertain times. This is causing the domino effect on the rest of the economy.

Friday, February 20, 2009

Too funny....A comic strip that says it all

Here is a Calvin and Hobbes comic from long ago that perfectly captures the mentality of some of our leading industries, especially now that $Billions of our money are being handed out in the controlled economy of B. Hussein Obama---Hat tip to one of my favorite sites, IMAO.

Obama's Housing Plan--Another Wealth Redistribution

We are witnessing the greatest wealth redistribution scheme in a generation. First off, his stimulus package calls for $400 payments to the roughly 35 MILLION taxpayers that have NO tax liablility (i.e. don't owe federal taxes at tax time). This amounts to a redistribution of approximately 14 BILLION dollars to people who did not earn it and therefore do not deserve it, of course taking it from people who do earn it. 

Most, if not all, of these refundees make less than $32,000 a year (I am assuming this since 47% of the population fits into this category and 40% don't have tax liability), therefore they are already benefiting from the pre-existing 40% reduction in taxes compared to those who make up to $80,000 (15% tax liability versus 25%, respectively). Obama calls this a boost to the "middle class". Sorry, but $32k and below may have been middle class 20 years ago, but that is not even close now.

Finally, lets tack on the $275 BILLION in mortgage relief that will be going to people who spent beyond their means when buying property. This amount will only be redistributed to about 9 million homeowners, however, so that means about $30 grand each...again to people who, by and large, don't deserve it.

...nice pay day for all of those redistributees...I'll thank my kids for them.

Thursday, February 19, 2009

Don't Breathe Or You Will Be Called A Polluter

According to a story in the Herald Tribune, "The environmental agency is under order from the Supreme Court to make a determination whether carbon dioxide is a pollutant that endangers public health and welfare".

With the new Obama appointee to the EPA leading the effort to make a decision, it is good chance that carbon dioxide will be classified as a pollutant and will be subject to heavy regulation.

Little did we know that all these years that plants were being exposed to this horrible gas and causing them to produce oxygen.

Full Story:

A.G.Eric Holder ,On Race Issues

Apparently our brand new A.G.wants to,instead of paying attention to the questionable surfacing of a host of administration appointees,and sleazy CEO,s responsible for the current big time fiscal problems we now face,would rather have focus our attention on racial issues that have been ongoing since the beginning of modern man. Eric Holder labeled us a nation of cowards because blacks and whites do not fraternize after work and on weekends. Did it not occur to him that this is a part of human and also animal nature? We need to have the guts to talk to each other,to be honest with one another ,now ready for this,(to discuss issues of health care,education,and economic disparities.) Sound like Carl Marx,just maybe? Personally I have worked with,served with, and hung around with plenty of black people in my days. There were good ones,better ones,bad ones,nasty ones,and when the day was over we mutually went our separate (maybe racial ) ways. Its the way that nature leads us. Is having a "FRANK" conversation between us going to change things,as Holder says I doubt it. Maybe,just maybe Holder never hung around in a mixed crowd other than the beautiful people.

Wednesday, February 18, 2009

Hang Out Together Or You Are A Racist

Our new US Attorney General thinks we are all cowardly racists because we don't hang out togther on weekends with people of other races. What is he talking about? Could it be that people simply associate with people who share similar interests, regardless of race, gender, religion or politics? Perhaps different races have culturally different interests? Is there anything wrong with that? This guy is a pinhead.

Full Story:

Tuesday, February 17, 2009

Taking Care Of Business Israeli Style

Can't fly across several enemy countries to blow up hardened facilities used to create nuclear weapons inside Iran? Well, there are other ways to get results. Remember what happened to the terrorists who murdered the Israeli athletes in Munich in 1972? Apparently, the Mossad is up to it's old tricks.

Full Story:

Monday, February 16, 2009

Where's The Beef?

That's what we may be saying in a few years if Obama's Global Warming czar gets any ideas from this story:

Giving Secrets To The Enemy

What business does an ignorant person such as Senator Feinstein have being the chairperson of the Senate Intelligence committee? She is even completely stupid (in which case she should be immediately removed from this position) or committing treason (in which she should be arrested and prosecuted). From an AP story related to US drones attacking the Taliban inside Pakistan:

The drone attack could further inflame tempers in Pakistan where a controversy has raged over a U.S. senator's remarks that the unmanned aircraft were being operated and flown from an air base inside Pakistan.
"As I understand it, these are flown out of a Pakistani base," Dianne Feinstein chairwoman of the Senate Intelligence Committee, was quoted as saying by the Los Angeles Times on Friday.

I can guarantee you that this information was designated Top Secret and absolutely nothing will happen to this woman.

Sunday, February 15, 2009

Hurry Up And Wait

The House rushed the vote through so Pelosi could go on her trip. The Senate stayed until late Friday night(waiting for one dem senator to return so that they could ensure a veto proof victory). You figure that Obama would sign the bill the very next morning since it was so urgent. Not so fast. Obama decided it was not that urgent after all and took his honey on a Valentine's getaway. It can wait until Tuesday...

Full Story:

Apples & Oranges

A new dude or dudess AKA Pocket Change We Can Believe,just made our local scene.For the sake of brevity I will refer to him,her,in this format as P C. As usual this type of blame twister loves to mix the apples and oranges. P C wants us to extend the same privileges,that were afforded persons that entered this country through the proper channels (old fashioned thinking to some of us),to the gate-crashers to our south. Fermi,Bell Salk a host of others in that great era of legal imigration ,probably got here via Ellis Island,and were vouched for by friends and relatives. They certainly did not assault barbed wire fences,or cram themselves into box cars to gain entry. Good try P C but no sell here.

Saturday, February 14, 2009

open blmouth insert foot

des-man to sub-man,damage control needed ASAP.HELP

illegal work force

the trouble with the economy today is 20,000,000 minus 11,000,000. that's the balance of our work-force allowing for illegal immigrants. this is not to mention another 45,000,000 legal entries that are sucking up good American jobs SEND THEM ALL HOME WITH BEST WISHES.

The law of unintended consequences...

Republicans are often labeled as being heartless by those on the left, because we believe that hard work should be rewarded, and conversely, that if you choose not to work, it should be hard for you. By contrast, the left likes to take from the hard-working (via high tax rates) and give to those who do not work as hard (in the form of welfare, food stamps, long-term unemployment benefits, etc.). In the grand scheme of things, Republicans feel that our approach is better for society because it creates a condition where the most working-age people are productive, while the left's approach encourages more working age people into the unemployed ranks.

As if the Republicans need yet another case study to demonstrate that they are right in this regard...we have the following loser, who apparently so thrilled by Obama's extension of unemployment benefits, thought that it sounded like a good opportunity to sit on his duff for a little while...there was only one to get fired? on for some comedy gold...

"Monetizing the debt" - Inflation is coming

Interesting article on what the US government will likely do this year to help reduce the debt that is rapidly builiding - Monetizing the debt (i.e. print money). When this happens, the US currency is devalued and inflation occurs.

Full Story:

Friday, February 13, 2009

Way To Improve Muslim Image In US

Muzzammil Hassa, founder of BridgesTV (a network aimed at improving the image of Muslims in the US), was arrested today in Buffalo NY for beheading his estranged wife.

Full Story:

Hurry Up Or I'll Be Late

The word is that Nancy Pelosi and several other Democrat congressmen are scheduled to leave tonight on an 8 day trip across Europe. The only thing standing in their way was the darn stimulus package. With the final version coming out of committee late yesterday, almost 500 pages more than the original 600 page version, no one had an opportunity to actually read all of the changes. But it's only $900B (raising the federal budget by 30%) and no big deal, so they voted on it anyways. The most important fact is that Pelosi's boondoggle isn't inconvenienced.

Funny But True Video

If you have a couple of minutes, watch this clip of Louis CK.


Thursday, February 12, 2009

Oxymoron: A Congressional Truth Commission

Senator Leahy wants to set up a 'truth commission' to find out if the Bush administration did any illegal activities while trying to protect Americans against terrorism. I say if he has that much time to waste he should set up a 'tax evasion commission' to find out how many Senators cheated on their taxes over the last 8 years.

Full Story:

Throw The Book At Them

Two judges got $2.6M in kick backs from a private juvenile lock up facility for sending kids to their facility. Many of the kids had the slightest of charges. These two judges should be put away for a very long while.

Full Story:

Wednesday, February 11, 2009

'Free' Healthcare isn't worth the price

As the Democrats in power inch us closer by the day to socialized medicine, the Wall Street Journal reminds us of what to expect, by having us look to our neighbor, Canada. One is reminded of the old adage, "you get what you pay for" when it comes to Canada's healthcare system...nothing. Although 'free' (well free except that they pay for it anyway through taxes, no matter how well they take care of themselves), Canadians have to wait much longer to see a doctor than Americans. I actually met a woman on a flight who was here to get a procedure done because she couldn't afford to wait (you see, only those who can afford to come to the US for treatment get timely service). It it actually illegal to obtain private health insurance in Canada...illegal! That is because they had to actually threaten their citizens with prison sentences to get them to participate...Coming soon to a country near you...ours.

Government Smart, Taxpayer Stupid

A quote from Senator John Kerry on why you, the taxpayer, are not competent enough to handle your own money: "The fact is, none of those people (you) are guaranteed to invest that money in any of the projects we (big government) are planning".

I know the word Marxism has been overplayed recently, but really...

Youtube link:

Free Lunch In Stimulus Package?

The cost of lunch (one day) is about what the average person will get in their paycheck each week unders Obama's stimulus package. If you save it up for the entire month, you can even use the savings to take your significant other to the movies (with popcorn!).

From the AP article:
Q: What are some of the tax breaks in the bill?
A: It includes Obama's signature "Making Work Pay" tax credit for 95 percent of workers, though negotiators agreed to trim the credit to $400 a year instead of $500 — or $800 for married couples, cut from Obama's original proposal of $1,000. It would begin showing up in most workers' paychecks in June as an extra $13 a week in take-home pay, falling to about $8 a week next January.

Full Story:

Tasty New Soft Drink To Be Marketed In India

The new soft drink is made from cow urine. A quote from a marketing representative: "Don't worry, it won't smell like urine and will be tasty too".

Full Story:

Tuesday, February 10, 2009

The USA actually created Al Qaeda

According to a recent article in the Pravda, the United States created the Al Qaeda organization and Saddam Hussein was recruited by the CIA as an assassin at the age of 19. Never heard this before, but it is in the news so it must be true...

Full story:

Is Murtha Going Down?

Congressman John 'my brother Marines killed innocent civilians in cold blood' Murtha's chickens may be coming home to roost. I never like to see sleazy congressman get burned in their own corruption. But in this case, I'll make an exception.

Full story:

The Secret Start Of Universal Healtcare?

Caught this on today. Is Obama and the dems trying to lay the foundations for universal healthcare by sneaking in initial legislature hidden in the 600+ page stimulus bill?

Link to complete article:

Feb. 9 (Bloomberg) -- Republican Senators are questioning whether President Barack Obama’s stimulus bill contains the right mix of tax breaks and cash infusions to jump-start the economy.
Tragically, no one from either party is objecting to the health provisions slipped in without discussion. These provisions reflect the handiwork of Tom Daschle, until recently the nominee to head the Health and Human Services Department.
Senators should read these provisions and vote against them because they are dangerous to your health. (Page numbers refer to H.R. 1 EH, pdf version).
The bill’s health rules will affect “every individual in the United States” (445, 454, 479). Your medical treatments will be tracked electronically by a federal system. Having electronic medical records at your fingertips, easily transferred to a hospital, is beneficial. It will help avoid duplicate tests and errors.