Monday, June 29, 2009

No, the media is not in the bag for democrats

Watch this video (skip to 7 minutes if you can't stomach it all, I don't blame you), and try to answer the questions posed after...

How in the H-E-double hockey-sticks did Bush and the republicans get blamed for the housing crash-induced recession?!!!

Why does Barney Frank still have a job?

Are you surprised that our economy is in shambles, when Franklin
"housing CAN'T fail" Raines is now Obama's chief economic advisor?

Obama's selective mingling

Last week, while Iran's mullahs concluded yet another unfair election, Obama took the courageous stand of the middle-ground by declaring "How that plays out," Mr. Obama said, "is ultimately for the Iranian people to decide." This, while those seeking democracy in Iran were being bludgeoned to death in the streets, by the state-sanctioned thug-ocracy. Apparently, it was his belief that he shouldn't mingle into Iranian politics. Fair enough, one might say, after all didn't we engage in enough meddling during those terrible Bush years?

In today's news, Honduran president Zelaya, was ousted after trying to illegally hold a referendum that would allow him to seek additional terms in office; illegally I say, because their constitution says that he cannot due this without approval from the other branches of the government. He did not have approval from ANY branch of the government, not even of his own party. When he tried anyway (getting the ballots from Chavez of Venezuela, none-the-less), the Supreme Court ordered the military to arrest him. They did, sent him into exile, and now the rightful next in line (according to their constitution, the top man in congress) is interim president until scheduled November elections.

Strangely, however, Obama doesn't seem to be in his "no more mingling" kind-of mood:

"We believe that the coup was not legal and that President Zelaya remains the president of Honduras, the democratically elected president there," Obama told reporters after an Oval Office meeting with Colombian President Alvaro Uribe.

Strange, how Obama won't fight for freedom, but he is so quick to fight for a dictator wanna-be. Jimmy Carter, the sequel.

Friday, June 26, 2009

Close Air Support (well...moral support anyway)

Watch in disbelief (click here) at the new rules of engagement that our troops are obliged to follow under the kinder, gentler, war doctrine of the Obama administration…

Apparently our troops are no longer entitled to close air support unless they are "in danger of being overrun". Is it Obama’s objective to raise the death-toll of our soldiers to the point that the U.S. populace says ‘uncle’?

Saturday, June 13, 2009

The duplicity of the Democrats’ Health Care Plan

One of the central lessons of high school Civics classes is that anticompetitive behavior is detrimental to society; so detrimental, in fact, that whole governmental oversight bodies were established early last century to identify and break up companies that engage in these practices. In those civics classes, we were all taught to despise the tactics of the Andrew Carnegies, the J. P. Morgans, the Vanderbilts, and the John D. Rockefellers of the world. And for good reason: without competition, a company can charge whatever exorbitant rate it wants and in return provide whatever substandard services it wants.

One model that high school student are given that allows them to visualize how anticompetitive practices work to destroy competition is that of the gas station owner. In this model, a big, rich gas station owner (think Rockefeller’s Standard Oil), sets up shop next to local Joe’s gas station. Since Standard Oil could pull resources from many other gas stations (and other businesses) it owned, it could afford to temporarily set its gas sale price below the market rate, and drive Joe out of business, thus creating a local monopoly.

Well, you say, there’s nothing to worry about today; the Morgans and the Rockefellers are vestiges of a bygone era, and our government protects us against such scoundrels. Yes they do, but who can protect us against the government and their anticompetitive intentions? The so called “Public Option” that that the Democrats want to include in their massive health care bill is every bit as anticompetitive as what the Morgans and the Rockefellers did. How so? Well let’s look at the largest healthcare provider in the U.S., Blue Cross Blue Shield. There are 39 franchises of this insurer, each in a different region (so they are actually separate companies, just like McDonalds franchises), and they insure roughly 100 million Americans. The annual revenue for each franchise is in the low billions (for example, about $3 billion for the New Jersey affiliate). But for argument’s sake, let’s assume they are all one company and have revenues of $120 billion (again, aren’t and they don’t). Well the U.S. Government’s revenue for 2008 was $2.5 trillion! Barack Obama says he wants to “keep the health insurance companies honest” by offering a low cost “public option” (shhhh…Don’t say ‘Government-run healthcare’!). What Obama will do in fact, is park his Rockefeller-like health-care gas station right next to Joe’s and run him out of business…that is their plan…that is their intention. He will use your money ($2.5 trillion in tax revenues) to outcompete local franchises until they are driven out of business, and until the “Public option” is the only option.

Look above to the bolded-italicized text and re-read those words carefully. This way, if and when the Democrats heath care plan goes through, you will understand why your taxes have gone up so much, why you have to wait so long for a doctor’s appointment, and why you weren’t prescribed the latest advanced medicine. If you think this is scare-mongering, do your own research and see what a nightmare the much vaunted (by the left) government health care plans of Canada and the UK have become.

If you want your local doctor’s office to have the look and feel of your state DMV, sit back and relax. Otherwise, get off your duff and email (at least) your state representatives and tell them how you feel.

Tuesday, June 9, 2009


A defiant North Korea, has once again stunned the west, with another "in your face launching".
It was reported yesterday by Al - Kazeeb News that the North has launched the first of a fleet of hunter killer nuclear subs, at lake Byongbang, high in the secluded mountains of Yongbing province.
World leaders expressed great disappointment at the event. Reactions include calls for further isolation by Russia, threats of food relief being suspended by Somalia, and China's holding up of a shipment of badly needed chopsticks.
Secretary Of State, Hillary Rodham Clinton, stated, " this will result in further UN sanctions " "it will not stand".

Saturday, June 6, 2009

The Obama Apology Tour - Sort Of

You may not have noticed, but BHO is on sort of an apology tour (for Americans). As indicated in an earlier April 2009 Mullally Report blog , the Anointed One went on his very first European tour and he did one faux pas after faux pas. Now he is trying it again the way Americans want to see it. On his second such tour to Europe and the Middle East, he is doing things differently. This time he didn't bow to the king of Saudi Arabia when they met. This time he didn't worry about hurting the German's 'feelings'. He visited a German concentration camp instead. This time he didn't by pass visiting the American cemetery in Normandy while visiting France. He actually made a point of visiting on the anniversary of D-Day.

Who knows... Maybe he is starting to listen to people.

Wednesday, June 3, 2009

The Tsar of Russia spent over a million rubles on Anastasia.
Adolph Hitler lavished treasures on his girl.
Marie Antionette had dinner in every bistro in Paris.
So whats wrong with Barak spending a few grand on Michele?
Maybe we need (Changes We Can Believe In), for a change.

Monday, June 1, 2009

Let Them Eat Cake

Unemployment is nearing 10 percent and tens of thousands of American auto workers are about to lose their jobs (their sacrifice to our future generations according to a speech today by our President). This weekend, this same President took his wife on a $24K date to a Broadway show and dinner (courtesy of us taxpayers).

Must be nice...