Sunday, May 24, 2009


Due to a sharp cut in funding, Salty's Classroom Quiz, the ever popular weekly brain-teaser, published in such high echelon papers as the New York Mimes, and the ST Louis Desperatch,announced with much regret the termination,as of this week, of this highly respected education article.
When told the news, former VP Al Gore stated "Now what will I do with all my spare time,this coming just when my Global Warming rant seems to be losing most of its hot air".

Saturday, May 23, 2009

Every now and then the AP screws up and fails to edit out what can be considered good news to those of us that back the use of force against terrorists.
Usually when there is a success story, it's considered non-news by the AP.
I spotted a lapse in this policy in an article on the incursion earlier this year, by Israel into Gaza.
I'll excerpt their error---"Violence has largely abated along the tense frontier since Israel's devastating offensive against Gaza's Hamas rulers, earlier this year."
It was a long time coming, but I'd have to say the results of that incursion prove the theory that the maggots of this world only respect punishing responses.
I'd be willing to bet the editor of that article is probably been demoted back to copy-boy.

Tuesday, May 19, 2009


The good guys finally won one, not a cease fire not a U.S. or U.N. intervention but a good old fashioned military trouncing of the Tamil Tigers terrorist organization by the legitimate Sri Lhanka government, and the dispatching of all their murdering leaders.
Wouldn't you think that all the people in the free world (except for the car bombers and their ilk ) would be rejoicing,along with the citizens of that war weary country,( in Colombo, thousands were celebrating in the streets ) at this good news ?
Guess again. In an editorial , the Boston Globe seems to be pouting.
They've published a list of "must do now"directives to the government of President Mahinda Rajapaska, the clear winner of this 25 year old dogfight, and insinuated he wasn't coming clean about civilian casualties, that "impartial" witnesses on the scene reported. (in the accompanying A.P. news article the complaint seemed to be that no one but the military was allowed in the war zone)
Among'st other whinings, they say the E.U. must follow up on its call for investigations of war crimes against civilians.
If the maggots won, would they be demanding the same?
They then go on to admonish that government to treat all their citizens in a fair way.
Once again, would this same warning go to the Tamil Tigers had they won? I think not.
Oh well,I guess if my team lost, I'd be bitter to.

Friday, May 15, 2009

You know someone is lying when...

When someone is telling the truth from memory, the words usually flow freely. When someone is lying through their teeth and trying to cover their ass, it sounds something like this...

Thursday, May 14, 2009


Has baseball gotten real boring in the last year or so, or is it just me?
Where have all the big guns gone? What has become of all those walk-off game winning homers?
But wait, it seems that our erstwhile hero, Manny you know, being Manny hadn't lost his touch, until of course he was caught trying to get pregnant.
All of a sudden our Big Poppy can't get it even near the fence anymore, what has happened, what seems to be missing? What ever it is, a lot of the excitement is gone from the game, because some stiff-collars decided to take the juice away from the "boys of summer.

Bring back the steroids or adjust the outfield walls. Just joking, -----honest injune!!!

Wednesday, May 13, 2009


The winner of last week's Salty's Classroom Quiz

Arnold Schwarmbagger, the only one to pick the right answer and then circle the wrong number,the wrong number being the right answer, Arnie won hands down!

There were over 7,000 participants in last week's contest as its popularity grows each week, so be on the lookout for the next Salty's Classroom Quiz.

The correct answer was No.7.

Saturday, May 9, 2009

The Mullally Report Celebrates It's 100th Article

The Mullally Report has just hit 100 today. Thanks to all the contributors for adding your insightful and interesting articles on current US and world events. It is also a great place to vent and express your opinions, as right-winged as they appear to usually be.

The $358K White House Photo

Not bad for $358K. Very cool looking...

Friday, May 8, 2009

Obama wants more people to go to college (using your money of course)

With an ever-increasing display of compassion and generosity, Obama has declared that he wants to make it easier for the unemployed to gain access to Pell Grants to help people pay for school. Currently, the unemployed are not allowed access to Pell grants; this is for two reasons: 1.) you are supposed to already in college when you apply (i.e. not 'unemployed'), and 2.) when accepting unemployment benefits from the state, the state actually expects (get this) that you are actively engaged in finding a job for yourself. 

However, not just anyone is eligible for Pell grants; that is because these grants are not merit-based, they are income-based. And no, they are not held exclusively for those who pay taxes (like you were probably about to guess, right?), but are instead for the 'needy'. In fact, even if you, yourself, are 'needy' but your parents are not, you probably won't qualify.

This proposal is a trifecta for Obama, since he can distribute more wealth from the wealth creators to the wealth consumers, simultaneously remove a whole lot of unemployed people from the 'unemployed category', thus prettying-up his dismal economic stats, and make important inroads to his goal of establishing "free" college for everyone. 

I see a whole lot of Bachelors of Community Organizing degrees being awarded in the near future.

A Lasting Tribute To A Hero Of Our Time

Thanks to a Tennessee legislature group, years from now, a person may be able to bring their children to the state capitol grounds in Nashville and show them the man who saved the world.

Yes, the Senate State and Local Government Committee just voted unanimously to build a statue of the hero of our time, Al Gore.

Only the state senate stands in the way of this becoming a reality. Tennessee senators, please do the right thing.

Wednesday, May 6, 2009


As a sad follow up to the article I posted 05-05-09 on the MULLALLY REPORT, this article is almost prophetic.
Boston Police say an eighteen year old black kid, on his way to a music class in Dorchester, was shot to death in broad daylight on Tonawanda St.
Ironically his mother had taken him to Florida at the age of five to escape the mayhem of Dorchester, but his grandmother talked him into returning here earlier this year. No suspects, no known motive, only a victim of a "victimless passive" crime, according to the Massachusetts Supreme Judicial Court. Who knows maybe the perpatraters were some of the many criminals freed up the court's ruling against holding illegal gun suspects without bail for Dangerous Hearings?
By the way, this kid, by all reports was no gang member, just came home to Boston at the wrong time. And by the way, this happened just yearsterday a day after the S.J.C. decision.

Tuesday, May 5, 2009


Who of the following groups would qualify as misanthropes ?
1. Al Qaeda and Taliban head coaches.
2 Josep Stalin, Mao Tse Tung, Adolph Hitler.
3 Islamic suicide bombers.
4 Liberals, who knowingly support the aforementioned by their deeds in politics and the media.
5 None of the above.
6 All of the above.
Tip, misanthropes abhor in a crazed way their fellow human beings. They're real mean people.

Results of the quiz next week.


In another step in the wrong direction, the Supreme Judicial Court, of the"Peoples Republic of Taxachusetts, in a four to one (wow not unanimous) ruling, sided with the street thugs (aka bangers), making it no longer possible for law enforcement to hold so called Dangerous Hearings,that permit the holding of illegal,unlicensed hand gun possessers, people with a previous criminal record, without bail, pending trial. They view it as a "passive,victimless crime".
C Sam Sutter Bristol County D A stated "they have no connect with the reality on the streets".
This ruling ignores the obvious ---they pack these guns to injure, kill and thus intimadate (terrorize) the neighborhoods they operate in.
One legal moonbat, Jim Wallace, of some legal Action League, claims he wants to work with Sutter, in a possitive way, to resolve this "minor licensing problem".
Relax Jim, the nutty SJC, the very same gang that brought us gay marriage, already resolved it.
Hey, instead of illegal hand guns, how about we call them undocumented hand guns, that should help the law abiding citizens of Roxbury and north Dorchester feel a lot more relaxed these days.

Sunday, May 3, 2009

It's Official: Press Is A Weapon For Obama

Just released in an ABC News story: "A leading bankruptcy attorney representing hedge funds and money managers told ABC News Saturday that Steve Rattner, the leader of the Obama administration's Auto Industry Task Force, threatened one of the firms, an investment bank, that if it continued to oppose the administration's Chrysler bankruptcy plan, the White House would use the White House press corps to destroy its reputation."

We all knew the media was in the tank for Obama. Now they are no longer hiding it. When the media can no longer be trusted to tell the truth and be impartial, who can we count on?

Check out this video to see more evidence of how bad it has gotten.

This can't be true...

Two independent, non-partisan studies have shown that the media is in the tank for Obama, and have given him overwhelmingly glowing coverage in his first 100 days compared to Bush. In one of the studies, Clinton's numbers were similar to Obama's.

How is this possible?!...we conservatives haven't noticed that there is any bias in the media. They must be very good at hiding it (is my sarcasm dripping enough for you?).

"Global Warming" is a doubleplus ungood phrase

Like a page out of George Orwell's book 1984, liberals have concluded that the public isn't buying their phrase "global warming", and are therefore attempting to reframe the debate in Newspeak terms. A NY Times article quotes from an email sent by an environmentalist lobbying group, ecoAmerica (oh, I'm sorry, I forgot to use my newspeak translator: according to the Times, ecoAmerica is a "a nonprofit environmental marketing and messaging firm in Washington", not a lobbying group):

"Instead of grim warnings about global warming, the firm advises, talk about “our deteriorating atmosphere.” Drop discussions of carbon dioxide and bring up “moving away from the dirty fuels of the past.” Don’t confuse people with cap and trade; use terms like “cap and cash back” or “pollution reduction refund.”"

and this: 
"remember to speak in TALKING POINTS aspirational language about shared American ideals, like freedom, prosperity, independence and self-sufficiency while avoiding jargon and details about policy, science, economics or technology,” said the e-mail account of the group’s study."

I suppose that since the envirowackos are losing the war of words (or what we sometimes call: oh, I don't know....debate!), since people aren't buying A.) their scientific arguments that global warming is caused by man, and not just natural global climate variation, B.) their insistence that the 'crisis' that they claim exists poses imminent danger to society, or C.) that their proposed solutions are either practical or economically viable, they should try a new tack. 

Allow me to predict that its just a matter of time before our teleprompter-in-chief himself starts using these Newspeak terms, and that denial of blackwhite will be labeled crimethink.