Friday, March 6, 2009

Inviting The Saps In For A Hosing

If you cross Fidel Castro with Adolph Hitler who do you get? I'll give you two guesses,if you are real slow. " Every voice has to be heard,every idea must be considered......The status quo is the one option that is not on the table". "Those who seek to block any reform at all,any reform "AT ANY PRICE" (my emphasis) will not prevail this time around". In a nutshell, he will suffer your opinions, but they will have to be in line with his to be considered. These are quotes are from Fidel....I mean Barak Obama at an all inclusive meeting, on America's "BROKEN" health care system. To say something is broken is to infer that at one time it was whole, or in good shape. Now if you had a fairly new car, but it was in need of some work ("broken" to some degree ) maybe in need of a brake job, a tune up, or both, woudn't you just have it repaired, instead of junking it, and going through the expence and hassle of buying a brand new model. Probably, if you had to pay for it yourself. Then again, if you could talk some suckers into making the payments ...............? answer to the quiz: A socialist state run by a facist administrator.


  1. O'Rook, "he will suffer your opinions, but they will have to be in line with his to be considered." At first I thought you were going to start talking about George Dubbya, because you did mention the nutshell.
    America's health care "IS"(my emphasis) broken. Didn't you see Michael Moore's film "SiCKo"?

  2. Speaking of that warthog, I thought that I saw him at the local Burger King wolfing down doubled up orders of Whoppers, super size fries, the whole nine yards and then some,one super order after another, ketchup all over his snout,belching,and burping from both ends. But alas it couldn't have been,he wasn't picking his nose. Instigator, please get real,do you really think I'd watch that stink-bums left wing propaganda.Ditto for Gore's "Convenient Lies".

  3. The healthcare system is broken. It allows millions of freeloaders to get free healthcare and pass on the costs to those who do have healthcare coverage. This makes the billed 'cost' of treatment much more expensive than it really is. Think about it. When's the last time you read in the newspaper that someone died of cancer because they were not given chemotherapy treatment. It doesn't happen.

    (Today Hugo Chavez asked Obama to join the social revolution. Do you think for one second he would have asked such a thing to Bush? This is the type of craziness that Obama has invited with his radical ideas.)

  4. Ok Subliminal Man, but what about the widow that is 80 years old and has to go to Canada to get reasonably priced medication, that researched and developed in the good ole US of A.
    That is the second time today that I have been able use "good ole"

  5. My guess,Instigator, is she'd be met at the border, and run over by a host of Canadians, coming this way for medical treatment,their tired of waiting so long for in the"good ole Dominion".
