Friday, March 6, 2009


Get ready,here they come, the Hollywoodies. They've been swarming in limbo for so many years, ravished since the Clinton years,but now they've been set loose, so watch your butt. After being reminded today of the workings of a totally self serving, anti American toady of the liberal left, I got to thinking of a lot of articles recently about the" Beautiful "people,and their recent descent on our nation's Capitol. Actually its more like an infestation. The halls of Congress,the White House the press conferances, there seems to be no place in D.C. safe from them. Of course the doors of all these recently liberalised institutions, off limits at most times to the average citizen, are swung wide open to the entertainment elite. Such mavens of government! Is it no wonder they are sought after by our leaders? It should be a big clue as to whats ahead.


  1. They substantially bank-rolled his campaign and gave free promotional services such as concerts (actually they still do... Stevie Wonder in the White House). Like all politicians must do, it is pay back time, as sickening as it looks.

  2. Why wouldn't he ask them for do otherwise would be inconsistent. After all, he is asking economic advice from the co-founder of an internet phenomenon (twitter) that makes no money what-so-ever in the U.S....these people apparently live in the Never Never Land of Lollipos and Unicorns.

  3. Michael Moore self serving? I think he wants want the majority of Americns want. Here is a quote he posted on The Huffington Post
    "What I have believed in, and what I have stood for in these past eight years -- an end to the war, establishing universal health care, closing Guantanamo and banning torture, making the rich pay more taxes and aggressively going after the corporate chiefs on Wall Street -- these are all things which the majority of Americans believe in too," said the documentary filmmaker. "That's why in November the majority voted for the guy I voted for."
    Subliminal, I knew you would like the "past eight years" part.

    Just because the "free promotional services" aren't from a good ole boy, country western star like Jet Attkins, they should not be allowed to play at the White House?
