Saturday, March 28, 2009

Obama's Brown Shirts Hired To Help Recruit Census Takers

A few weeks ago, the story that the White House took control of the US Census Bureau from the US Commerce Department was swept under the rug. Now we find out that ACORN has been contracted to help hire the 1.4 million enumerators who will be needed to conduct the 2010 US census.

Nothing needs to said about the importance of the US Census in reforming voting districts. Nothing needs to said about the numerous ACORN voter fraud stories.

Where is the media on this one? Where is the transparency that Obama promised?

Click to see a report from FoxNews.

1 comment:

  1. Sub-man,don't you know?

    The collective media are fast asleep in bed,after a very exhausting year or so with their demo-rat,libby cohorts.

    When they came for the census takers we did not protest, we looked the other way

    When they come for the..............?
