Saturday, March 21, 2009

WHITE (WASH.D.C.)tellitlikeitaint

Dateline Wash.A.P.

"He apologized in a way that was very moving". This from Special Olympics Director, Tim Shriver, ( Kennedy connected) chairman-apologist- of the latest Barack Obama, blunderspeak.

"This guy's a complete ##shole,he should be censured,he should be impeached, he is so racist that he has to go, he had the idiocy to knock our mentally disadvantaged fellow citizens (athletes),on national T.V.(Jay Leno Show).

Guess which statement would have applied to our former president George Bush?

If your a "Demorat", you probably wouldn't have a clue.


  1. Hey, Barack is cool. No other president had the guts to go on the Tonight Show. If he happened to make a mistake while trying to be humorous, give the guy a break. He is just trying to be like one of us (or at least make us think that).

  2. It took only one word to come out of Dan Quale's mouth (potato), for the media to dub him the biggest idiot this side of the Mississippi of all time. I am just curious as to how many slip-ups by the teleprompter-in-chief it will take to expose the facade that he is as "brilliant" as the media have tried to sell him.
