Sunday, March 1, 2009

Times opposing viewpointsaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaa

The New York Times; On May 21,1975, it was reported in the Times that "a major cooling of the climate was widely considered inevitable". More so ,"the northern hemisphere's climate has been getting cooler since about 1950". This, if you recall was an urgent wake-up to the alarmists of that era act now, before it became too late. That having fizzled out, the Times now is going down another route a completely opposite road a road named "The sky is falling II", namely Global Warming. I guess its a great way to sell newspapers.


  1. Sorry Steve O', but apparently you are not up to date on the lingo...Its called 'Climate Change' now, not 'Global Warming'...that way, every day, no matter what the temperature (low, high...average), it is yet more evidence that humans are causing it. Now that's a convenient truth.

  2. We can also rely on government agencies to provide good data as evidence. NASA accidentally republishing Sep2008 temperatures for Oct2008 (making it seem warmer). The NSIDC using satellite data that indicated less artic ice than reality (only about the size of California).
