Saturday, March 21, 2009

Reminiscent of the McCarthy Hearing Days

“New York Attorney General (Cuomo) has announced that he will issue subpoenas immediately for the release of the names and job descriptions of those receiving bonuses..”

“State (CT) officials Friday subpoenaed 14 AIG executives… Blumenthal said the state has been unable to compel AIG to provide names and addresses, so his office used media reports to determine whom to subpoena…. We also want to find out from the people who received these under which circumstances they're receiving them. Performance? Merit? Part of their salary? Was this part of their contracts?"

Just replace the words ‘receiving bonuses’ with words ‘suspected communists” and these quotes sound like the all to familiar witch hunt style activities in the 1950s which were later vilified in history.

As appalled as people may be that people received such large amounts of compensation, there is absolutely no evidence that any wrongdoing or illegal activity actually took place. Congress in fact explicitly approved bonuses in bail out related legislature. Yet the leaders of our country, seeking to further their political agendas and prestige, are now on the very same grandiose witch hunts that Joseph McCarthy initiated back in the early 1950s.

Using their legislative powers to punish these individuals, by essentially taking back all of the bonus money received, is apparently not enough. They now want to publicly scorn and humiliate these individuals in an attempt to destroy their reputations. Don’t be surprised if Congress's next legislative move is to force these bonus taking individuals to wear a scarlet letter (maybe R for Rich – another term that was recently redefined by our great leaders).

This is a slippery slope that we are taking on what is becoming an all out assault on the very thing that made this county great and prosperous (and the envy of the rest of the world) – capitalism.

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