Saturday, February 14, 2009

illegal work force

the trouble with the economy today is 20,000,000 minus 11,000,000. that's the balance of our work-force allowing for illegal immigrants. this is not to mention another 45,000,000 legal entries that are sucking up good American jobs SEND THEM ALL HOME WITH BEST WISHES.


  1. good point, but mean spirited (and not politically correct). but is an easy way to create 4 million jobs without spending 800B dollars

  2. right on sub-man,but lets to try and add 45 million more jobs on account of the very timely departure of the legals!

  3. and here is a short list of immigrants that took American jobs: Nicola Tesla, Albert Einstein, Irving Berlin, Enrico Fermi, Jonas Salk, Alexander Graham Bell... may you have heard of them

  4. PS. Just think if we would have sent Alexander Graham Bell home, how many "morse coder" jobs we could have saved!
