Friday, February 27, 2009

Toilet Paper Abuse: I'm with Greenpeace on this one

"People just don't understand that softness equals ecological destruction." A new story out today explains that Americans have a particular fancy for very comfy TP and this is causing ecological problems greater than gas guzzling cars.

I remember my days in the Marines when I opned an MRE and found a packet of TP the size of strip of chewing gum. Somehow I made due. Today, people in this country (particularly those of the female gender) seem to use up an entire roll in a single sitting. This is becoming a major problem and is now considered one of the leading causes of global warming and the decline of the economy.

Start thinking green America (or brown in this case). Here is an excellent alternative to that wasteful TP: Reusable family toilet wipes. Click here to see instructions on how to use.

Full story:


  1. Okay,I'll bight. It seems were only talking the T.P. on this very frugal subject. I have first hand knowledge of folks that avail themselves of other improprieties, such as reusing kleenexs, socks,smelly old underwear,and of all things, dental floss. Then again who would ever consider reusing their toothbrush?

  2. True. Some years from now, a roll of toilet paper will likely be displayed in a Smithsonian collection of luxury items Americans once used in the it's greedy era of over indulgence.

  3. This comment has been removed by the author.
