Friday, February 20, 2009

Too funny....A comic strip that says it all

Here is a Calvin and Hobbes comic from long ago that perfectly captures the mentality of some of our leading industries, especially now that $Billions of our money are being handed out in the controlled economy of B. Hussein Obama---Hat tip to one of my favorite sites, IMAO.


  1. Calvin can definetly be included in the Democratic stimulus plan. With the extra government dough he could retool his lemonade business. For starters, he could chuck out his old orange crate, and import new stand from China. Probably get a good deal on a bigger water pitcher from Canada, a case of Perier water via France, and lemons from south of the border. That should turn his business around.

  2. If Calvn wants a subsidy from his mom though, she is forcing him to make an energy efficient drink that no want will want to buy.

  3. Yes they will, if they can get it in Wal-Mart.

  4. Yes they will if they can buy cheaper at Wal-Marts.
