Wednesday, February 11, 2009

'Free' Healthcare isn't worth the price

As the Democrats in power inch us closer by the day to socialized medicine, the Wall Street Journal reminds us of what to expect, by having us look to our neighbor, Canada. One is reminded of the old adage, "you get what you pay for" when it comes to Canada's healthcare system...nothing. Although 'free' (well free except that they pay for it anyway through taxes, no matter how well they take care of themselves), Canadians have to wait much longer to see a doctor than Americans. I actually met a woman on a flight who was here to get a procedure done because she couldn't afford to wait (you see, only those who can afford to come to the US for treatment get timely service). It it actually illegal to obtain private health insurance in Canada...illegal! That is because they had to actually threaten their citizens with prison sentences to get them to participate...Coming soon to a country near you...ours.

1 comment:

  1. It will be just a matter of weeks assuming Obama can find someone who can get sworn in as Secretary of Health.
